EC Plans Oversight Agency for Labor Rules
March 14, 2018
EurActiv reports that the European Commission (EC) is planning by next year to establish a European Labour Authority with broad powers to resolve labor disputes within the EU and to force national governments to enforce EU rules on transnational labor migration and other employment issues.
UK Official: Staying in EU Customs Union Would Be "Sellout"
March 09, 2018
Politico reports that UK Trade Secretary Liam Fox has argued that remaining in a customs union with the EU, which he says would subject the UK to rules over which it has no say and would prevent the country from negotiating new trade deals, would be a "complete sellout of Britain's national interests."
EU Officials Reject UK Approach to Post-Brexit Trade
March 09, 2018
The Guardian reports that, prior to UK Prime Minister Theresa May's recent cabinet meeting to agree a "three baskets" approach to post-Brexit trade with the EU, involving regulatory harmonization with the EU in some areas and divergence in others, EU officials rejected the approach as inconsistent with the political vision of the EU project.
UK Committee Warns of Costs of Extended Brexit Transition
March 09, 2018
The UK Parliament's European Scrutiny Committee has warned that any extension of the planned transition period during which the UK would agree to accept EU regulations following Brexit would bleed into the next EU budgetary period and could result in payments of billions of pounds into EU coffers.
Merkel Calls for Linking EU Funding with Migrant Acceptance
March 09, 2018
Reuters reports that, in a recent address to the Bundestag, German Chancellor Angela Merkel indicated that Brexit offers a major opportunity to overhaul the EU's financial framework, including by linking the provision of development funds to European countries and regions with the acceptance and integration of migrants.