ECJ Rejects Psychological Tests of Refugees' Sexual Orientation
January 29, 2018
Reuters reports that the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) has held that EU member states are barred from performing psychological tests to determine whether asylum seekers are telling the truth about their sexual orientation.
ECJ Rejects Trademarking "Vulgar" Film Name
January 29, 2018
AP reports that the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) has upheld a decision by the EU Intellectual Property Office that a German company is not permitted to trademark the name of a popular film because it is "vulgar" and might "shock" consumers.
UK Official Rejects Concerns of Post-Brexit "Vassal" Status
January 29, 2018
The Guardian reports that the UK's Brexit Secretary David Davis has rejected arguments from Jacob Rees-Mogg MP, head of the euroskeptic European Research Group, that the UK's acceptance of EU Court of Justice rulings during a post-Brexit transition period would make it a "vassal state," responding that the concerns are unfounded due to the period's limited duration.
EU Officials Call for Romania to Rethink Judicial Law
January 29, 2018
Politico reports that European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and First Vice President Frans Timmermans are calling on Romanian legislators to reconsider draft legislation establishing a new body to sanction judges and prosecutors for acting in bad faith in the context of corruption allegations.
EU Official Defines "Rule of Law" for Access to Budget
January 29, 2018
EUobserver reports that European Commissioner for Justice Věra Jourová has responded to prodding by Western European countries by agreeing to develop a definition of the "rule of law" for use in determining the access of countries to development funds from the EU budget.