European Institutions

  • Commentator Points to EU as Growing Issue in Elections

    January 30, 2018

    Enea Desideri of the British think tank Open Europe praises the increasingly prominent discussion on continued centralization within the EU in national elections throughout the bloc but expresses concern that "identity politics" - characterizing the debates as between EU "supporters" and EU "opponents" - ignores the nuance needed to decide the future direction of the EU project.

  • Official: Britain Must Follow EU Customs Rules During "Transition"

    January 30, 2018

    Business Insider reports that the UK's Brexit Secretary David Davis has acknowledged that, under the terms of the post-Brexit transition deal his government is negotiating with the EU, Britain would remain a member of the EU Customs Union until the year 2021, meaning the country will not be able to implement trade deals with other jurisdictions before that time.

  • Visegrad Leaders Push for Narrowed EU Focus

    January 30, 2018

    AP reports that, at a recent meeting, leaders of the countries in the Central and Eastern European Visegrad Group voiced their support of EU focus on infrastructure, defense, technology, and employment rather than moving toward a "United States of Europe" that centralizes decision-making on matters such as migration within supranational institutions.

  • UN Agent Demands EU Response to NGO Rules

    January 30, 2018

    UN Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders Michael Forst has called on EU institutions to respond to tightened restrictions on nongovernmental organizations imposed by some member governments by boosting direct EU funding for civil society within the bloc.

  • UK Officials Preview "Enhanced Equivalence" Deal with EU

    January 30, 2018

    Bloomberg reports that both the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond and Brexit Secretary David Davis have predicted that their government will strike a Brexit deal with the EU creating an "enhanced equivalence regime" under which the country will remain close to EU financial and other rules for the indefinite future.

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