European Institutions

  • EU Document Seeks to Bind UK on ECJ, Citizens' Rights

    January 04, 2018

    Reuters reports that a draft European Parliament resolution on the relationship between the EU and the UK after Brexit demands that Britain respect the rights of "core family members" and "children born in the future" outside the UK and continue, for an as-yet undefined amount of time after Brexit, to follow the rulings of the Court of Justice of the EU.

  • CoE Official Demands Recognition of "Sexual Rights"

    January 04, 2018

    The Council of Europe's (CoE) Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muižnieks has issued a report demanding that CoE members address "shortcomings" in their recognition of European and international human rights standards on "sexual and reproductive health rights," including access to abortion and "comprehensive sexuality education."

  • UK Politicians Plan Vote to Retain EU Charter Rights

    January 03, 2018

    The Guardian reports on plans of the UK Labour Party to force a vote in the British Parliament pressuring the government to retain all provisions of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, including employment rights and the "right to equality," in British law after Brexit.

  • Former UK Minister: Staying in ECJ Means No Brexit

    January 03, 2018

    Politico reports that former Brexit Minister David Jones has warned that failure to leave the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) after Brexit will mean that Britain has not "in reality left the European Union."

  • Critics Oppose Macron's EU Policy of "Soft Protectionism"

    January 03, 2018

    Politico reports that a group of EU political and civil society leaders are concerned that French President Emmanuel Macron is threatening the integrity of the EU by pushing for economic policies that boost a "soft protectionism" of French companies and workers at the expense of other countries in the bloc.

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