UK Business Group Pushes to Remain in EU Customs Union
January 22, 2018
Bloomberg reports that Director General of the Confederation of British Industry Carolyn Fairbairn has called for the UK government to negotiate a Brexit deal that would keep Britain within the EU customs union, meaning the UK could not negotiate separate free trade deals with countries outside the bloc.
EU Parliament Seeks Stricter Standards on Energy
January 19, 2018
Nature reports that the European Parliament has passed legislation pushing EU countries to obtain 35 percent of their energy from renewable sources by the year 2030 and raising a legally binding target for energy efficiency in buildings and in consumer goods after 2021.
EU Task Force Explores Subsidiarity, Proportionality
January 19, 2018
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has appointed members to an EU Task Force on "Subsidiarity, Proportionality and 'Doing Less More Efficiently'" to identify what projects "could be devolved or definitely returned to Member States" and in which areas EU officials could cooperate more effectively with national or local officials.
ECtHR Rejects Complaint on Exemption from Sex Education
January 19, 2018
The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has rejected a claim from the parents of a seven-year-old student in Switzerland seeking a ruling that the country had violated their rights by refusing to permit them to exempt their child from sex-education lessons at her primary school.
Austrian Leader Sets out "Pro-European" Reform Agenda
January 18, 2018
Politico reports that Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has called on the EU, in its bid for a renewal of purpose after Brexit, to focus on "big issues" and leave smaller issues to communities and national governments, while calling for "deeper cooperation on security, foreign policy and defense as well as economic and monetary policy" in EU institutions.