European Institutions

  • EU Diplomats Increase Sanctions Against Russia

    March 09, 2022

    EU ambassadors agreed to more sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, targeting more oligarchs, the maritime industry and will remove three Belarusian banks from the SWIFT international payment system.

  • Top French Court Upholds Ban on Wearing Hijabs in Lille Courtrooms

    March 04, 2022

    France's highest court, the Cour de Cassation, upheld a ban on barristers wearing the hijab and other religious symbols in courtrooms in the north, setting a precedent for the rest of the country as the Republican value of secularism stirs debate ahead of the upcoming presidential election.

  • Council of Europe Suspends Russia’s Rights of Representation

    March 02, 2022

    As a result of their recent armed attack of Ukraine, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe has suspended the Russian Federation from its rights of representation in the Committee of Ministers and in the Parliamentary Assembly.

  • European Ministers Agree to Promote EU-Wide Social-Economy

    February 22, 2022

    In and effort to boost the social economy sector in Europe, 21 EU social economy ministers met in Paris and agreed to develop a common definition of social economy practices and legal frameworks that will be included in the Social Economy Action Plan (SEAP).

  • A Long Road for Europe's Goal of Centralized Standards for AI

    February 17, 2022

    In an effort to create a centralized approach to setting a standard for artificial intelligence, EU lawmakers are beginning a potentially long process reaching a concensus and implementation many are not in agreement concerning the use of facial recognition, often varying between individual nations in the bloc.

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