EU Promises Significant “Green” Investment in Neighboring Regions
December 14, 2017
EU Climate Action and Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete has announced the bloc’s plan to mobilize billions of euros in private and public investment toward climate-friendly objectives in Africa and EU Neighborhood countries as part of the EU External Investment Plan.
EC Files ECJ Complaints over Refugee Settlement
December 13, 2017
AP reports that the European Commission (EC) has targeted Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic with a complaint before the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) over their failure to participate in a 2015 EU plan to redistribute 160,000 asylum seekers across the bloc that resulted in the relocation of 32,000 refugees.
EC Proposes New Car Emissions Standards
December 08, 2017
In November, the European Commission (EC) proposed a fresh set of targets for carbon dioxide emissions from new passenger vehicles that will begin to apply in the year 2025 to help achieve EU pledges under the UN's Paris agreement on climate change.
EU Agency Pushes "Societal" Change on Gender Attitudes
December 08, 2017
A paper from the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights places responsibility on EU member states to "change societal attitudes" to defeat "gender stereotyping" and reduce levels of "misogyny" and "hate speech" that fuel gender inequality.
EU Seeks to Expand Farmers' Bargaining Power
December 08, 2017
Politico reports that EU institutions are launching efforts to increase the bargaining power of European farmers, with a new proposal from the European Commission on formalizing supermarket-farmer pricing agreements and an agreement between EU governments and the European Parliament to permit farmers to form cartels to negotiate food prices.