European Institutions

  • Pro-EU Observers Duel over Catalonia Conflict

    December 04, 2017

    Dueling commentary in Politico demonstrates the growing rift among pro-EU civil society groups over how to resolve the conflict over Catalonian independence, with some calling for the EU to take a more active stance as mediator and offer Catalonia a more powerful role in the EU and others pushing for the EU to treat the conflict as purely an internal matter for Spain to resolve.

  • Multi-Speed EU Proposal Gains Civil Society Support

    December 04, 2017

    Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform calls on European leaders to heed the calls from French President Emmanuel Macron for a "two-speed" EU that "leaves reluctant countries behind and allows others to move ahead on key policies," as this model would be a more-attractive system for potential future members.

  • Singham: UK Must Avoid Tight Ties to EU Regulation

    December 04, 2017

    Shanker Singham of the Legatum Institute writes that, following Brexit, the UK must avoid binding itself too closely to an EU model of "anti-competitive regulation that will destroy wealth" across the globe but rather should be a global promoter of free trade at the World Trade Organization and beyond.

  • Poland Expresses Concerns on EU Emissions Reforms

    December 01, 2017

    Bloomberg reports that Polish officials have expressed concerns that the EU's planned overhaul of its Emissions Trading System, designed to reduce the reliance of member states on fossil fuels and move them toward renewable energy, will make aid unavailable to coal-fired power plants in the country.

  • Former Official Calls for EU FBI for Customs

    December 01, 2017

    The former head of the EU"s anti-fraud office Giovanni Kessler has called for the establishment of a European version of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for customs that combats fraud and smuggling at the borders of EU member states and implements a unified customs standard based on a consistent approach to border controls.

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