Polish Minister Criticizes EU Resettlement Policy
August 23, 2017
In the wake of the recent terrorist attack in Barcelona, Polish Interior Minister Mariusz Błaszczak stated that his government "will not succumb to" European Commission pressure on resettling African and Middle Eastern migrants in Poland, asserting that Europe must “wake up” to the “clash of civilizations” it has encouraged through its migration policy.
Australia Seeks Equal Immigration Treatment in UK
August 23, 2017
The International Business Times reports that, in early discussions regarding a potential post-Brexit trade deal between the two countries, the Australian government has called on the UK to ease immigration restrictions for citizens of Commonwealth countries in line with those on EU citizens in exchange for a free trade deal.
UK Proposal Would Require Permits for EU Workers
August 23, 2017
The Sun reports that the UK government is considering a proposal that would allow EU nationals to travel freely to the UK post-Brexit but would require companies hiring EU nationals to apply for a limited number of work permits and force EU immigrants to wait four years before applying for social benefits.
UK Plans Continued Recognition of Civil Judgments from EU
August 22, 2017
The Guardian reports that, in a paper released today, the British government expresses its intention to maintain cross-border recognition of civil judgments from EU member states after departing the bloc, meaning that UK citizens and businesses will likely remain subject to rulings of the Court of Justice of the EU when they take part in activities in other European countries.
EU Members Seek Permission to Block Foreign Acquisitions
August 22, 2017
Reuters reports that, in a potential response to recent acquisitions in Europe by state-owned Chinese companies, the governments of France, Germany, and Italy have sent a letter to EU officials requesting rules bolstering their national authority to prevent foreign corporate takeovers in the bloc.