European Institutions

  • EU Criticizes Central Europe on Asylum Policies

    August 07, 2017

    In June, the European Commission presented four progress reports on measures related to the European Agenda on Migration in which it criticized EU member states Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic for not complying with their "legal obligation" to take in asylum seekers and called for more action toward an effective European Border and Coast Guard.

  • Governments Agree to EU Public Prosecutor's Office

    August 07, 2017

    20 EU member states have agreed to the establishment of a European Public Prosecutor's Office, a centralized, independent entity that will investigate and prosecute alleged fraud against the EU budget in the territories of participating countries, with the help of re-purposed national prosecutors, while taking no instructions from political authorities.

  • EU Establishes Platform on Animal Welfare

    August 07, 2017

    The European Commission has announced its establishment of an EU Platform on Animal Welfare that will convene governments, nongovernmental organizations, businesses, and researchers to determine how best to apply supranational rules on the treatment of animals and how best to promote EU animal welfare standards around the world.

  • ECJ Official Disapplies Regular EU Asylum Procedure

    August 07, 2017

    In a June opinion, an Advocate General for the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) advised that, in the exceptional circumstances of the EU migration crisis, the EU member in which a migrant first filed an asylum application, rather than a country that permitted the migrant to travel across its territory to reach that EU member, is responsible for examining the migrant's asylum request.

  • EU Parliament Increasingly Judges Domestic Policies

    August 07, 2017

    Politico reports on the increased frequency of European Parliament debates on the domestic policies of EU member states and their impacts on the rule of law and human rights, leading some members of the body to express concern that it is sitting in judgment as a "politically motivated 'supreme court.'"

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