European Institutions

  • EU "Action Programme" Prioritizes Environmental Agenda

    August 09, 2017

    The European Commission's Annual Action Programme 2017 of the Partnership Instrument, under which it engages in cooperation with international partners, focuses on such objectives as promoting "climate-friendly and sustainable energy sources," protecting "biodiversity" in foreign countries, and pushing global standards on "responsible business" practices.

  • Merkel Offers Tentative Support to EU Finance Integration

    August 09, 2017

    Politico reports that, in a June speech to German business leaders, German Chancellor Angela Merkel offered her support to proposals from her counterpart in France on the creation of a eurozone finance minister and pooled budget, so long as "the framework conditions are right."

  • German Defense Official Supports EU Army

    August 09, 2017

    The Daily Telegraph reports that Germany's National Defense Commissioner Hans-Peter Bartels has voiced his support for an integrated European defense policy, asserting that, "in the end, there will be a European army."

  • CoE Official: Countries Must Reunite Refugees with Families

    August 08, 2017

    The Council of Europe's (CoE) Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muižnieks has called on European countries to "adopt a more humane and human rights oriented policy" on swiftly reuniting families of refugees in compliance with the "right to family life" under international human rights law.

  • Legal Challenges Bog Down EU-US Data Privacy Deal

    August 08, 2017

    Politico reports that, nearly a year after its initial implementation, the EU-US Privacy Shield, which regulates the transfer of personal data between the two jurisdictions, faces significant legal challenges in the Court of Justice of the EU based on allegations that the US does not uphold EU data protection standards.

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