MEP: UK Has Lost Right to EU Opt-outs
August 07, 2017
The Guardian reports that Belgian Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Guy Verhofstadt, who is coordinator for the body on Brexit, has asserted that, by triggering its exit from the EU, Britain has lost its ability to return to the body in the future on the same membership terms, including with "perks" such as budget rebates and opt-outs from justice and security policy areas.
ECtHR Finds Violation in Jury Instructions on Defamation
August 07, 2017
The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has held that an Irish court violated the right to free expression of a newspaper by refusing, in compliance with Irish Supreme Court case law, to suggest to a jury in a defamation case against the newspaper a range of potential damage awards that could be appropriate, thus leaving the jury free to calculate very high damages.
EU Criticizes Central Europe on Asylum Policies
August 07, 2017
In June, the European Commission presented four progress reports on measures related to the European Agenda on Migration in which it criticized EU member states Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic for not complying with their "legal obligation" to take in asylum seekers and called for more action toward an effective European Border and Coast Guard.
Governments Agree to EU Public Prosecutor's Office
August 07, 2017
20 EU member states have agreed to the establishment of a European Public Prosecutor's Office, a centralized, independent entity that will investigate and prosecute alleged fraud against the EU budget in the territories of participating countries, with the help of re-purposed national prosecutors, while taking no instructions from political authorities.
EU Establishes Platform on Animal Welfare
August 07, 2017
The European Commission has announced its establishment of an EU Platform on Animal Welfare that will convene governments, nongovernmental organizations, businesses, and researchers to determine how best to apply supranational rules on the treatment of animals and how best to promote EU animal welfare standards around the world.