European Institutions

  • Germany, France Support Bulgarian Euro Accession

    August 04, 2017

    Bloomberg reports that President Emmanuel Macron of France and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany have expressed their support for permitting EU member Bulgaria to enter the ERM-2 exchange-rate mechanism, the precursor group to adopting the euro currency.

  • EU Approves Joint Military Funding, Command Center

    August 04, 2017

    The Economic Times reports that, a day after the European Commission offered a 1.5 billion euro budget for greater EU defense cooperation proposed by France and Germany, EU member states agreed to establish a military command center in Brussels that will oversee training missions in African countries.

  • EU Official Links Cohesion Funds, Migrant Settlement

    August 03, 2017

    In a June speech in Prague, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker linked EU infrastructure funding to compliance with the bloc's migrant resettlement policies, warning that those countries who "benefit from solidarity, such as in the form of European cohesion funds, must be prepared to show solidarity."

  • Pro-Life Campaign Challenges EU Inaction on Initiative

    August 03, 2017

    C-Fam reports that the campaign "One of Us" is challenging in the Court of Justice of the EU the European Commission's inaction on the group's successful European Citizens' Initiative seeking respect under EU policy for the principle that life begins at conception and a halt to funding for research that destroys embryos.

  • Commission Seeks Hundreds of Millions to Support EU "Solidarity"

    August 03, 2017

    In May, the European Commission proposed a budget of just over €340 million for its European Solidarity Corps, an institution aimed at instilling support for EU values and integration in young people across the bloc, and called for 100,000 placements in the program by the year 2020.

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