EU Launches Legal Action over Polish Court Changes
August 02, 2017
Politico reports that the European Commission has sent a letter of "formal notice" to the Polish government asserting that a law setting different retirement ages for men and women in lower courts violates EU rules - the first step in an "infringement proceeding" that may be settled in the Court of Justice of the EU.
UK’s May Promises End to Free Movement by 2019
August 02, 2017
Politico reports that, amid mixed messages from her cabinet in recent weeks, UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s official spokesperson stated that "free movement" of EU citizens to Britain will end in March 2019, once the country officially exits the EU.
UK Considers New Court for Post-Brexit EU Citizen Cases
August 02, 2017
Bloomberg reports that UK officials participating in Brexit negotiations are considering the proposal of a new, independent court to adjudicate cases involving the rights of EU citizens in the UK after Britain leaves the bloc, as an alternative to the EU’s proposal of maintaining its Court of Justice's jurisdiction over such citizens.
German Officials Reject EU Common Debt Proposals
August 02, 2017
Reuters reports that, responding to a proposal from the European Commission floating the idea of an instrument that would pool the debt of eurozone member states, a spokeswoman for the German finance ministry stated that her government's position rejecting such common eurozone debt had not changed.
Dutch Senate Backs Deal Rejected in 2016 Vote
August 02, 2017
Politico reports that, despite the rejection of the deal by voters in the Netherlands in a referendum held last year, the Dutch Senate supported in May the adoption of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, which bolsters trade ties between the supranational bloc and the Eastern European country.