British PM: Offset Brexit Bill with EU Debts
August 01, 2017
The Sunday Telegraph reports that, in the lead-up to the recent UK general election, Prime Minister Theresa May asserted that any "divorce" payment demanded by EU officials in Brexit negotiations must yield to the UK's own financial "rights," including the country's share in the European Investment Bank and other projects, upon its departure from the bloc.
US President Predicts "Big & Exciting" Trade Deal with UK
August 01, 2017
As US and UK trade representatives met in Washington, DC, to discuss a potential trade deal between the two countries after the conclusion of Brexit, US President Donald Trump predicted the deal “could be very big & exciting” and criticized the "protectionist" EU.
ECJ Official Supports Basis of EU Migrant Sharing Plan
August 01, 2017
The New York Times reports that Advocate General for the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) Yves Bot has advised the ECJ to dismiss actions brought by Hungary and Slovakia against the EU’s 2015 migrant sharing plan, finding that the scheme was a "proportionate means" of dealing with the bloc's migration crisis.
EU Assesses Remedies in Collective Redress Actions
August 01, 2017
The European Commission has announced that it is assessing the effectiveness of the implementation by EU member states of a 2013 recommendation that sought to harmonize the collective redress policies of member states in cases where EU rights were allegedly violated.
UK Governing Party Delays Human Rights Reform
July 31, 2017
The Daily Telegraph reports that, in the lead-up to the British general election in June, the currently governing Conservative Party asserted in its manifesto that it would only consider repealing the UK Human Rights Act, which transposes the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) into domestic law, after the country leaves the EU.