ECJ Raises Obstacles to Quick EU Trade Deals
July 26, 2017
Bloomberg reports that a Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) ruling in May requiring EU institutions to seek approval of parts of a trade deal with Singapore by the bloc's member states could place significant obstacles in the path of the speedy negotiation of a free trade deal between Britain and the EU after Brexit.
French, German Leaders Voice Tentative Support for EU Treaty Change
July 25, 2017
The Independent reports that, at their first meeting in Berlin, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed their willingness to support EU treaty amendments that grant greater authority to the supranational entity to resolve policy issues - including, according to President Macron, through a "common asylum policy."
EU Paper: ECJ Must Enforce Brexit Agreement
July 25, 2017
Bloomberg reports that, in draft Brexit negotiating directives circulated by EU officials in May, EU institutions and national governments demanded that the EU and UK grant the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) a central role in enforcing the provisions of any post-Brexit deal, meaning that the ECJ would retain authority in Britain following its exit from the EU.
EU Permits Visa-free Travel for Ukrainians
July 25, 2017
The EU institutions recently adopted a proposal requiring EU member states to permit Ukrainian nationals to enter their territory for short periods without first obtaining a visa.
ECJ Official: Uber Is Subject to Transportation Regulations
July 25, 2017
Business Insider reports that Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) Advocate General Maciej Szpunar recently advised the ECJ that US technology giant Uber is a transportation company, rather than merely a digital service, and is therefore subject to often-strict rules regulating the provision of transportation services in EU member states.