EU Tightens Regulations on Medical Devices
May 11, 2017
The European Commission has welcomed the EU Council and Parliament's agreement to two new EU regulations providing for stricter supranational regulation of medical devices, using a body of experts at the EU level and strengthened requirements on clinical trials for products ranging from contact lenses to pacemakers.
UK Faces Battle over Continued ECJ Jurisdiction
May 10, 2017
Bloomberg reports that British Government authorities are rejecting assertions from their EU counterparts that the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) should continue to have jurisdiction over the social and economic rights, as granted by the bloc's law, of EU nationals who have moved to the UK prior to Brexit.
EU Parliament Sets out "Red Lines" on Brexit
May 09, 2017
The European Parliament has adopted a resolution setting out "red lines" on the agreement between the EU and the UK on their relationship following Brexit, which is subject to the Parliament's approval, including a demand that the EU "four freedoms" of movement - of goods, capital, services, and people - remain indivisible.
EU Court Official Sees High Bar for Agricultural Measures
May 08, 2017
The Court of Justice of the EU's Advocate General Michal Bobek has concluded that EU member states are only permitted to adopt emergency measures to prevent the cultivation of genetically modified crops in their territory if they can demonstrate the presence of certain stringent conditions relating to health and the environment.
UK Pushes Back on Reported "Brexit Bill" Estimate
May 03, 2017
Reuters reports that UK Brexit Secretary David Davis has denied that Britain will accede to a reported EU demand of 100 billion euros to cover the country's financial "obligations" after Brexit, including farm payments and 2019 and 2020 EU administration fees.