EU Eyes Brexit Transition Deal on Goods
April 05, 2017
Politico reports that EU negotiators in upcoming Brexit talks are increasingly accepting the idea of a UK-EU transition deal setting tariffs on all goods at zero before the agreement of a permanent trade agreement, a plan that would exclude the British services industry and likely leave many of the country's companies under the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the EU.
EU Uses Gibraltar as Bargaining Chip in Brexit Talks
April 05, 2017
The Guardian reports that the EU Council is seeking to use the governance of Gibraltar, and its attractiveness as a financial services hub, as a bargaining chip in Brexit negotiations by including a provision in its draft Brexit guidelines requiring Spain's approval before the EU and the UK can include the UK territory in any future deal.
EU Brexit Guidelines Open Door for Trade Deal
April 05, 2017
The think tank Open Europe has published an analysis of draft Brexit negotiation guidelines from EU Council President Donald Tusk indicating that, while "the door is wide open" for negotiations on departure terms to run alongside talks on a future free trade deal, the UK may balk at demands such as those giving the Court of Justice of the EU a role in dispute settlement.
UK Official Prioritizes Post-Brexit US Defense Cooperation
April 05, 2017
The Guardian reports that, ahead of a meeting with his US counterpart, UK Defense Secretary Sir Michael Fallon emphasized the importance of the US to the UK's post-Brexit international security cooperation and pointed to the relative lack of ambition in EU spending on and participation in operations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
UK Outlines Plans for "Great Repeal Bill" upon Brexit
April 05, 2017
The UK government has published a white paper on plans for a Great Repeal Bill that will replicate existing EU laws and regulations in British law at the time Brexit occurs and end the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the EU over the UK legal system.