European Institutions

  • ECJ Refines "Right to Be Forgotten" in Business Context

    March 24, 2017

    The Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) has held that its "right to be forgotten" does not extend to a corporate director who wished to order the removal of information from public records that he was the administrator for a different company that went bankrupt, calling for a "case-by-case" judicial consideration of whether the right applies in specific circumstances.

  • CoE Committee Criticizes UK’s Treatment of Minorities

    March 24, 2017

    The Advisory Committee of the Council of Europe’s (CoE) Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, a legally binding international treaty, has released a report criticizing the UK government for failing to fully address discrimination and "hate speech" against national minorities.

  • Officials: Scottish Independence Means Leaving EU

    March 23, 2017

    The Guardian reports on warnings from EU officials that a Scottish vote to leave the UK in a future referendum would entail a Scottish departure from the EU and a requirement that Scotland apply for admission to the bloc in order to become a member.

  • Chemical Lobby Urges Common EU Industrial Policy

    March 23, 2017

    Marco Mensink of the European Chemical Industry Council has authored an opinion piece calling on the EU to develop a common European policy to promote the growth of industry and to suppress "unilateral, ad-hoc laws by national governments" affecting trade and investment.

  • "Multi-Speed Europe" Proposal Hastens EU Federalism

    March 23, 2017

    An article in Politico explains how politicians from EU institutions and some member states are seeking to further the principle of "enhanced cooperation" in the bloc to create a "multi-speed Europe," allowing quicker transfer of sovereignty to Brussels from consenting countries while bypassing objections of countries wary of federalizing the EU.

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