European Institutions

  • Shipping Industry Prefers UN to EU Emissions Solution

    March 16, 2017

    The website Climate Home reports that the maritime industry is criticizing the European Parliament's call to include ships in the EU's regional Emissions Trading System beginning in 2023 to reduce emissions from the shipping sector, advocating instead for a global solution regulating emissions from the UN's International Maritime Organization.

  • French President: "Last Duty" Is to Save EU

    March 16, 2017

    Politico reports that outgoing French President François Hollande has asserted that his "last duty is to do everything possible" to ensure France remains in the EU and has warned that, without the implementation of proposals for an EU with "multi-speed" federalization, "Europe will explode."

  • EU Parliament Calls for Entry Barriers for Americans

    March 16, 2017

    The European Parliament has adopted a non-binding resolution calling on the European Commission to respond to US visa requirements on nationals traveling from Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Poland, and Romania by imposing visa requirements on Americans and threatening to take the Commission to court if it fails to act.

  • UK Peers Find No Obligation to Pay EU Settlement

    March 16, 2017

    According to The Guardian, EU officials are responding to a report from the UK House of Lords' EU financial affairs subcommittee asserting that Britain has no international legal obligation to pay any settlement of its commitments to the EU after Brexit by threatening that the UK will not obtain an EU trade deal if it does not "honour all financial obligations falling due."

  • Hannan Highlights UK-EU Legal Incompatibility

    March 16, 2017

    British Member of the European Parliament Daniel Hannan explains how the European Parliament's vote to lift French politician Marine le Pen's immunity against prosecution by French authorities for tweeting photos of violent acts by the Islamic State shows the "fundamental incompatibility" of Continental legal systems to the common law of the UK.

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