EU Threatens Italy on Debt Levels
March 02, 2017
AP reports that the European Commission has warned the Italian government it is subject to EU sanctions for excessive debt levels if it fails to "credibly" take action on reducing its debt by the end of April.
Norway Seeks Inclusion in Brexit Deal
March 02, 2017
The Independent reports that Norway's EU minister, Frank Bakke-Jensen, has announced his government's intention to seek inclusion in any trade arrangements agreed between the UK and the EU following Brexit.
Juncker Pledges "Hefty" Brexit Bill
March 02, 2017
EurActiv reports that, in a recent speech, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker promised that the EU will issue a "very hefty" bill to the UK during negotiations over the country's departure from the bloc to cover its outstanding financial commitments.
Shipping Industry Criticizes EU Emissions Plan
March 01, 2017
In an ongoing conflict over which transnational body should regulate the greenhouse gas emissions of the shipping industry, the International Chamber of Shipping has called on EU member states to reject proposals to include the shipping sector in EU carbon emissions framework and to leave regulation of such emissions to the UN's shipping agency.
Commission Outlines EU "Pathways to Unity"
March 01, 2017
A European Commission white paper offering five alternative "pathways to unity" for the future of the EU presents in each pathway a combination of policy options including maintaining the EU status quo or federalizing power in EU institutions, but does not include the option of a broad return of sovereignty to national governments.