UK Lords Vote for Guarantee on Rights of EU Nationals
March 01, 2017
Deutsche Welle reports that the UK's unelected House of Lords has voted to amend the Prime Minister's bill on triggering the country's exit from the EU by including a provision guaranteeing the ability of EU nationals in the UK to retain their "EU-derived rights" following Brexit.
Austria Incentivizes Domestic Hiring
March 01, 2017
EurActiv reports that the Austrian government has approved rules providing financial incentives to Austrian companies that prioritize applicants who are currently in the country over applicants located in other EU member states for open positions, in a move that may test EU rules on free movement of labor.
UK Official: Scotland Will Leave EU
March 01, 2017
The Daily Telegraph reports that, in a recent committee hearing at the Scottish Parliament, UK Scottish Secretary David Mundell stated that there would be "no circumstances" under which Scotland, whether independent from the UK or not, would remain in the EU after the UK leaves the bloc.
Lawyers: EU Should Force UK to Remain in ECHR
March 01, 2017
The Independent reports that an open letter from a group of British lawyers calls for the EU to condition any post-Brexit free trade deal with the UK on the country remaining in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) to prevent a "human rights crisis" in Britain.
NGOs Seek EU Sanctions Against Poland
March 01, 2017
In a letter to the European Commission, a group of nongovernmental organizations call on the institution to respond to what they call a "systemic threat to the rule of law" and human rights violations in Poland by activating a sanctions procedure through which the Polish government could lose its ability to participate in EU decision-making.