Article: Brexit Will Proceed Despite Court Ruling
January 30, 2017
Henry Newman of UK think tank Open Europe writes that, while the UK Supreme Court case decided last week on who has the authority to trigger the country's exit from the EU will have implications for the constitutional powers of the executive, political maneuvering by the British Government has made it less likely that the ruling will have a significant impact on Brexit.
EU Official: UK Can Discuss Post-Brexit Trade Deals
January 30, 2017
European Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans has stated that, during the negotiation process over the UK's departure from the EU, Britain can "talk to everyone" regarding post-Brexit free trade deals but is not permitted to sign such an agreement until it leaves the bloc.
Czech Minister Urges Deal with UK on Nationals' Status
January 27, 2017
The Czech Republic's interior minister Milan Chovanec has argued that, rather than waiting for an EU-UK deal to settle the issue, his government should negotiate an independent agreement with the UK on the status and rights of Czech nationals in the UK and British nationals in the Czech Republic.
EU Chief Calls for Guaranteed Income
January 27, 2017
Reuters reports that, in the lead-up to the European Commission's ambitious overhaul of social rights policy through its European Pillar of Social Rights, Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker asserted that all EU members should guarantee a minimum salary for workers and a minimum level of income for those who are unemployed.
ECB Official Outlines Steps Toward EU Banking Union
January 27, 2017
At a recent conference in Rome, Peter Praet, a Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank (ECB), highlighted the mission of the ECB to push the EU to overcome the traditional jurisdiction of national governments over banking rules in order to centralize them at the EU level with a European Banking Union.