EU Agency Trains Greece on Migration Rights
December 12, 2016
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has signed a cooperation agreement with the Greek Ministry of Migration Policy under which the FRA will share "best practices" with Greece on fundamental rights relating to migration and, with the UN Refugee Agency, will train Greek migration staff on their fundamental rights obligations toward migrants.
Norwegian Official: EU Links Require Concessions
December 12, 2016
In a recent interview, Norwegian Foreign Minister Børge Brende warned UK authorities that there is currently no mechanism through which the country can maintain access to the EU "single market" without accepting jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the EU and permitting the free movement of people from other EU countries into Britain.
UK Considers Remaining EU Customs Union Member
December 09, 2016
In a recent interview, British trade official Greg Hands signaled that the UK government is considering continued membership in the EU customs union, under which a common authority establishes external tariffs and trade policy for the full bloc, on an industry-by-industry basis.
UK Officials Eye Post-Brexit EU Budget Payments
December 09, 2016
UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Phillip Hammond and Secretary of State for "Brexit" David Davis have declined to rule out continued payments to the EU budget following Britain's departure from the bloc to secure the continued access of UK businesses to the EU "single market."
EU Develops Common Defense Fund
December 09, 2016
CNBC reports that the European Commission has revealed its plans for a 5 billion euro annual common defense fund to which EU member states would begin to contribute in 2020 to develop joint military assets outside the structure of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.