European Institutions

  • Merkel Rejects UK Plan to Protect EU Expats

    December 07, 2016

    Politico reports that German Chancellor Angela Merkel has rejected an offer from UK Prime Minister Theresa May on a provisional deal to protect the rights of UK and EU expats living in each other's territory, reflecting the sense of EU leaders that the bloc will be able to draw more concessions out of UK negotiators after the Brexit process is triggered.

  • ECB Chief Opposes "Single Market" Flexibility

    December 07, 2016

    European Central Bank President Mario Draghi has urged EU leaders not to permit flexibility on access to the bloc's "single market," which includes rules requiring the free movement of people, in their negotiations with the UK over Brexit.

  • UK Prioritizes Access to EU Market in Brexit Talks

    December 07, 2016

    Bloomberg reports that British International Trade Minister Greg Hands has asserted the government will prioritize continued access to the EU "single market" for the country's main industries, including financial services, automotive, and aerospace, in upcoming talks over its future relationship with the EU.

  • UK Group Threatens Action over EEA Membership

    December 07, 2016

    Jim Waterson writes that campaign group British Influence is warning that it may resort to legal action against the UK Government if it seeks to take the country out of the European Economic Area (EEA), a "single market" zone that contains the EU, as part of its Brexit policy without following procedures outlined in the separate EEA agreement.

  • ECJ Considers Status of Uber Under EU Law

    December 07, 2016

    The New York Times reports that the Court of Justice of the EU recently heard a case from Spain regarding whether EU law should classify the ride-sharing technology company Uber as a transportation service, in which case it would be forced to offer a range of employee benefits to drivers, or simply a digital platform to connect drivers and passengers.

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