European Institutions

  • UK Bank Official Seeks Brexit Transition Deal

    December 06, 2016

    Reuters reports that Bank of England Governor Mark Carney is pushing for the UK Government to arrange a transition deal with the EU that would give British businesses continued access to the EU "single market," and keep them within the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the EU, for at least two years after the country exits the bloc.

  • Greece Pushes EU to Resettle Migrants

    December 06, 2016

    In the wake of a fatal fire in a migrant camp on the island of Lesbos, the Greek Government is calling on the European Commission to place pressure on EU member states to speed up their resettlement of migrants from Greek camps under the EU's Emergency Relocation Mechanism.

  • Article Highlights Populist Pressure on EU Agenda

    December 06, 2016

    The Economist has published an article outlining ways in which so-called "populist" politicians, who are skeptical of the benefits of international trade, immigration, and European integration, have decreased the importance of election victories by placing external pressure on EU leaders to pursue their agenda.

  • French Candidate Seeks Respect for Nations in Europe

    December 05, 2016

    EUobserver reports that, a week after calling for people to dispense with "the dream of a federal Europe," French presidential candidate François Fillon has outlined his vision for a "sovereign France in a Europe respectful of nations" in remarks upon winning the nomination of the country's Republicans party.

  • EU Members Push for Integration of Services Market

    December 05, 2016

    The Irish Times reports that ten EU member states have sent a letter to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker calling for concrete proposals to complete the EU's "single market" in the services sector by preventing governments from imposing "disproportionate and unjustified requirements" on the provision of services across the bloc.

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