Party Paper Shows Inflexibility on EU Membership
January 17, 2017
Reuters reports that a paper from the German Social Democratic Party would commit party leaders to a policy of not permitting the UK to negotiate membership in the EU's "single market" after Brexit unless it agrees to unrestricted migration, spotlighting the inflexibility of the bloc's politicians and leaders on market access.
UK Body Seeks New Financial Deal After Brexit
January 17, 2017
TheCityUK, a membership body for financial services companies in Britain, has published a paper calling for the negotiation of a unique arrangement between the UK and the EU on financial services after Brexit that is not necessarily based on current EU regulations permitting financial "passporting" throughout the bloc.
Official Predicts New Eurozone Bailout of Greece
January 17, 2017
Reuters reports that Belgian Finance Minister Johan Van Overtveldt has declared that the heads of the eurozone will proceed with another bailout of Greek institutions with or without the involvement of the International Monetary Fund.
Iceland Announces Vote on EU Referendum
January 17, 2017
The newly formed coalition government of Iceland has announced that it will offer the country's Parliament a vote on whether to hold a popular referendum on joining the EU.
Barrister Identifies Cases of "Judicial Activism" at ECJ
January 17, 2017
In a recent debate as part of the think tank Policy Exchange's Judicial Power Project, British barrister Anthony Speaight QC identifies several cases in which he argues that the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) engaged in "judicial activism" by prioritizing its members' own policy goals over the plain meaning of the law.