European Institutions

  • Lord Speaker Signals Cooperation on Brexit Law

    January 17, 2017

    In a recent comment article, the Speaker of the UK House of Lords, Lord Fowler, pledged that his body would not "sabotage legislation" from the elected House of Commons regarding the withdrawal of Britain from the EU, but would rather seek to "improve" any such law.

  • EU Centralizes, Expands Data Protection Policy

    January 16, 2017

    As part of its efforts to "complete the EU data protection framework," the European Commission has proposed legislation centralizing the formation of data protection policy at the EU level, banning all unsolicited electronic communications, and expanding the application of EU privacy rules to nontraditional electronic communications providers, such as Skype and Gmail.

  • EU Proposes Scrutiny of Services Regulation

    January 16, 2017

    The European Commission has announced a package of initiatives aimed at completing the EU's "single market" for service providers by, in part, proposing tougher EU scrutiny of national regulations on professional services and requiring a "comprehensive and transparent proportionality test" before governments create new rules on the provision of services.

  • EU Faces Dilemma on Future Direction

    January 16, 2017

    The Guardian has published a piece in which journalists highlight the dilemma faced by top EU officials who wish to launch ambitious projects to keep the bloc relevant but who face intensifying pressure from voters driven by politicians who call on them to return power to the member states.

  • UK Lawyer: HRA Must Give Way to Focus on Democracy

    January 13, 2017

    UK attorney Luke Gittos writes that the British Government should repeal the country's Human Rights Act (HRA) to emphasize the need for preservation of freedom through the democratic process rather than glorifying rights "handed down from on high" by unelected judges in the UK and on European courts.

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