European Institutions

  • CoE Official: Increase Migrants' Access to "Social Rights"

    November 30, 2016

    In a recent comment, the Council of Europe's Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muižnieks calls on European governments to avoid "undermining" international human rights law by adopting restrictive immigration policies and to offer "irregular migrants" access to various economic and social rights.

  • ECtHR: Dismissal of Judge Violated Right to "Private Life"

    November 30, 2016

    The European Court of Human Rights has held that Hungary's dismissal of the Vice-President of its Constitutional Court, as part of the country's constitutional reforms of 2012, violated his right under European human rights law to respect for his private life.

  • German Minister Warns UK Against Tax Cuts

    November 29, 2016

    Deutsche Welle reports that German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble has warned UK Prime Minister Theresa May against pursuing a set of proposed corporate tax cuts to maintain economic competitiveness during and after the Brexit process, arguing that, while the UK is still a member of the EU, "they are bound by European law."

  • UK Politicians Push for "Clean" Break from EU

    November 29, 2016

    A group of UK politicians in the euroskeptic European Research Group have called on British Prime Minister Theresa May to leave the EU's "single market" and customs union as part of the country's Brexit policy, warning that failing to do so would leave the UK subject to the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the EU and other EU institutions.

  • UK May Delay Brexit to Maintain Security Ties

    November 29, 2016

    The Guardian reports that the British Government is considering striking an "interim" deal with the EU, likely taking negotiations over the country's exit from the bloc past the two-year period prescribed in EU law, in order to ensure continued security and foreign policy links with other EU member states.

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