European Institutions

  • EU Agrees on Visa Deal for Ukraine, Georgia

    December 19, 2016

    The Independent reports that the European Parliament and the Council of the EU have reached an agreement through which approximately 50 million nationals of the Republic of Georgia and Ukraine will be able to enter the EU without applying for visas, while permitting a mechanism for suspending visa waivers in times of emergency.

  • UK Banks Seek Five-Year Post-Brexit Transition

    December 16, 2016

    Reuters reports that a set of UK banks are lobbying the country's government to strike a deal with EU negotiators providing that financial institutions would be subject to EU laws and to the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the EU for up to five years following Britain's exit from the bloc.

  • McDonald's Moves EU Tax Base to UK

    December 16, 2016

    The BBC reports that fast food giant McDonald's, whose operations in Luxembourg are under investigation by the European Commission for alleged special tax deals with the country's government, has decided to move its non-US tax base to a holding company based in the UK.

  • Denmark Strikes Deal with EU on Europol

    December 16, 2016

    EUobserver reports that, despite the result of a 2015 referendum in which Danish citizens voted to opt out of various EU justice and home affairs policy, Denmark's government and EU officials have negotiated a "back door" deal through which Denmark will continue to participate in the EU law enforcement agency Europol.

  • UK Parliament Vote Calls for Brexit Trigger

    December 15, 2016

    An article in The Telegraph explains a recent, non-binding vote taken by the British Parliament calling on Prime Minister Theresa May to formally notify the EU institutions of the country's intent to leave the bloc, triggering the beginning of Brexit negotiations with other EU members, by March 2017.

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