European Institutions

  • EU's Cheese Demands Reveal Trade Deal Complications

    October 24, 2016

    A new report warning of the significant costs related to the EU's proposal that its Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with the US extend the protection of "geographic indications" on food products to cheeses such as feta and parmesan indicates the bloc's difficulty in navigating the competing interests of its 28 member states in complex trade negotiations.

  • EU Pressures Eastern Partnership on Climate Action

    October 24, 2016

    At their first formal ministerial meeting on environmental issues, officials from the EU and the bloc's Eastern Partnership countries adopted a declaration pledging cooperation on climate change and sustainable development and calling on Eastern Partnership countries to develop a regional "action plan" on furthering environmentally friendly policies.

  • EU Reports on Progress Toward "Security Union"

    October 24, 2016

    The European Commission's first monthly report on progress toward the establishment of a "Security Union" to combat terrorism across the EU focuses on efforts by EU institutions and member states to push through reforms on border security, firearms restrictions, passenger name records, and other items on the Commission's security agenda.

  • CoE Body Criticizes Softened Legislation on Polish Judiciary

    October 20, 2016

    The Council of Europe's body of constitutional experts, the Venice Commission, has criticized a new Polish law on the country's Constitutional Tribunal - responding to objections the Commission raised regarding a previous law - for threatening the independence of the judiciary and challenging the position of the Tribunal as the "final arbiter" on constitutional issues.

  • ECtHR: Insurer's Surveillance Violated Privacy Rights

    October 20, 2016

    The European Court of Human Rights has held that a Swiss company operating a state insurance scheme violated a woman's right to privacy under European human rights law by conducting surveillance of her activities in public places on four separate dates to prove that she was not as incapacitated as she claimed.

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