European Institutions

  • French Candidate Seeks Respect for Nations in Europe

    December 05, 2016

    EUobserver reports that, a week after calling for people to dispense with "the dream of a federal Europe," French presidential candidate François Fillon has outlined his vision for a "sovereign France in a Europe respectful of nations" in remarks upon winning the nomination of the country's Republicans party.

  • EU Members Push for Integration of Services Market

    December 05, 2016

    The Irish Times reports that ten EU member states have sent a letter to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker calling for concrete proposals to complete the EU's "single market" in the services sector by preventing governments from imposing "disproportionate and unjustified requirements" on the provision of services across the bloc.

  • EU Resolution Calls for Court Ruling on CETA

    December 05, 2016

    The Independent reports that the European Parliament will vote on a resolution proposing to require the Court of Justice of the EU to rule on the compatibility of the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with existing EU treaties prior to the implementation of the agreement.

  • Norway Calls on UK to Maintain Close Ties with EU

    December 02, 2016

    Norwegian Trade and Industry Minister Monica Maeland has intervened in the debate over the UK's relationship with the EU following Brexit by arguing that it would be in Norway's interest for the UK to remain "closely tied" to the EU's "common market."

  • Switzerland Open to UK Accession to EFTA

    December 02, 2016

    Swiss President Johann Schneider-Ammann has announced that Switzerland would agree to talks on the reentry by the UK into the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), a free trade zone comprising Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein that maintains access to the EU's "single market," upon the country's exit from the EU.

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