European Institutions

  • EU Official Warns of Potential CETA Failure

    August 02, 2016

    Politico reports that EU Director-General for Trade Jean-Luc Demarty warned at a meeting of the bloc's trade policy committee that EU trade policy would lose credibility and be "close to death" if national parliaments did not ratify the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement that EU authorities negotiated with Canada.

  • EU Prepares Centralization of "Social Rights" Policy

    August 01, 2016

    Politico reports that European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker is backing the preparation of a "European pillar of social rights" that will centralize decisions on labor and employment policy, including minimum wages and job training, in EU institutions.

  • UK Peer Calls for Brexit Delay

    August 01, 2016

    The Independent reports that Baroness Wheatcroft of the British House of Lords has called for her body to delay any legislation that aims to trigger a British exit from the EU in order to encourage the launch of a second referendum on the UK's membership in the bloc.

  • Academic: May Ignores Aims of Average Brexit Voter

    August 01, 2016

    Professor Vernon Bogdanor of King's College, London, writes that newly installed UK Prime Minister Theresa May has a sharply different vision of a free trade-oriented and liberal post-Brexit Britain than people who voted for the UK to leave the EU as a protest against globalization's effects on the working class.

  • Observer Calls for EU Human Rights Education

    July 29, 2016

    Asserting that external pressure on member states, including through the European Commission's Rule of Law Framework, is not sufficient to counter "illiberal" national tendencies, advocacy consultant Dr. Israel Butler writes that the EU must deploy funding for civic education on global human rights and legal standards to protect the rule of law in EU countries.

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