Juncker Calls for EU Military Force
September 19, 2016
In his annual State of the Union address, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker called for the EU to develop a "common military force" that would complement the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Official Identifies Security, Globalization as EU Challenges
September 19, 2016
In a letter marking the lead-up to a September summit of EU member states in Bratislava, Slovakia, President of the EU Council Donald Tusk has called for cooperation on solving the bloc's migration crisis, combating international terrorism, and confronting challenges related to trade deals and globalization to hold the bloc together following the vote for Brexit.
EU Official Seeks "Redistributive" Focus in Integration
September 19, 2016
In recent remarks regarding the souring of opinion across the EU against the project of European integration, President of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi called for more attention to the "redistributive aspects of integration," or compensating people "left behind" by centralizing Europe, in order to ease dissatisfaction with EU institutions.
ECJ Narrows Grounds for Members' Expulsion of Criminals
September 19, 2016
The Court of Justice of the EU has held that EU law does not permit member states to pass laws providing for the expulsion of non-EU citizens from the bloc solely based on the fact that they have a criminal record when they are the sole caregiver of a citizen of an EU country.
ECJ Official: EU-Canada Passenger Records Violate Rights
September 16, 2016
Advocate General Paolo Mengozzi of the Court of Justice of the EU has advised that the agreement between the EU and Canada to maintain a database of passenger name record data to combat terrorism and transnational crime violates the fundamental rights of citizens in EU countries due to the lack of certain privacy safeguards.