European Institutions

  • UK Councillor Seeks Stronger Post-Brexit EU Institutions

    July 26, 2016

    Richard Lewis of the Scottish National Party writes that the UK's exit permits an opportunity for the EU to deepen integration and provide for stronger institutions, including a directly elected EU President and Members of the European Parliament who can launch their own legislation.

  • Scholars Seek Quick Brexit, Transition Period

    July 25, 2016

    Damian Chalmers of the National University of Singapore and London School of Economics and Anand Menon of Kings College London write that the UK should negotiate a quick exit from the EU in the year 2018, restoring parliamentary sovereignty and cutting off free movement, followed by a transition period in which Britain and the EU work out details of their future relationship.

  • UK Attorney Outlines Vision for Post-Brexit Trade

    July 25, 2016

    British think tank Politeia has published a pamphlet from senior attorney Martin Howe QC outlining how the UK should legally fulfill the vote of its people to depart the EU and describing how it can form new free trade agreements with the bloc and other countries around the world.

  • British MPs Object to EU "Emergency Brake" Deal

    July 25, 2016

    The Daily Mail reports that euroskeptic Members of the UK Parliament have warned that they will not support a proposed deal with the EU that would permit Britain to retain access to the bloc's single market in exchange for a restricted version of free movement with other EU countries and UK contributions to the EU budget.

  • France Agrees to Maintain UK Border Controls

    July 25, 2016

    At a press conference with UK Prime Minister Theresa May, French President François Hollande pledged that his government would permit the UK to retain border controls in France, allowing British security to check would-be visitors before they enter the country, and that the two countries will step up security cooperation in the wake of the UK's vote to leave the EU.

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