European Institutions

  • FRA Seeks EU Monitoring Mechanism on Fundamental Values

    May 04, 2016

    At a meeting in Brussels with representatives from EU institutions, the Court of Justice of the EU, and the Council of Europe's Venice Commission, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights ("FRA") advised participants on developing a mechanism to monitor compliance by the EU and its members with the rule of law, democracy, and fundamental rights.

  • EU Proposes Integrated Arctic Policy

    May 04, 2016

    Deutsche Welle reports that the European Commission has proposed its first-ever integrated action plan for Arctic policy, containing 39 actions centering around countering climate change, furthering the UN agenda on "sustainability," and dealing with economic and social issues in the region.

  • EU Threatens Legal Action over Spanish Wetlands

    May 04, 2016

    WWF has praised a communication from the European Commission threatening to refer Spain to the Court of Justice of the EU if it does not comply in two months with the EU Water Framework Directive to improve water management in the country's Doñana wetlands.

  • EU Refers Poland to Court over Drilling Impact Assessments

    May 04, 2016

    The European Commission has announced that it has referred Poland to the Court of Justice of the EU for violating the EU's Environmental Impact Assessment Directive by permitting exploratory mining drillings to depths of 5,000 meters without producing an impact assessment of the project's potential environmental effects.

  • EU Legislation Centralizes Railway Policy

    May 04, 2016

    The European Parliament and Council have agreed to a "railway package" that boosts the authority of the European Railway Agency to certify rail companies for safety, harmonizes technical railway standards among EU member states, and seeks to achieve EU emissions goals.

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