European Institutions

  • Proposed Law Restricts Benefits to EU Migrants in Germany

    April 29, 2016

    Deutsche Welle reports that German Labor Minister Andrea Nahles has proposed legislation that would allow migrants from other EU countries to receive social security and unemployment benefits only if they have lived in the country for five years and have not received such benefits during that time.

  • EU Threatens Legal Action over UK Truck Tax

    April 29, 2016

    The Daily Mail reports that the European Commission has threatened to file a complaint against the British Government in EU court claiming that it had engaged in impermissible "state aid" by lowering road taxes for UK truck drivers as compared to foreign drivers.

  • EU Official Pushes Police, Judicial Tools for Security Union

    April 28, 2016

    In a recent speech, the European Commissioner for justice, Věra Jourová, has called for the centralization of numerous law enforcement and judicial tools, including through implementation of the European Arrest Warrant and the establishment of a European Public Prosecutor's Office, to move toward the formation of an EU Security Union.

  • FRA Workshop Seeks Monitoring of Data on "Social Inclusion"

    April 28, 2016

    The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights ("FRA") has hosted a workshop for EU officials and authorities from EU member states to determine best practices in developing data to define and monitor the "social inclusion" of minority groups.

  • ECtHR: De Facto Life Sentence Violated Prisoner's Rights

    April 28, 2016

    The European Court of Human Rights ("ECtHR") has held that the Netherlands violated a convicted killer's right against "inhuman or degrading treatment" because, even though he secured reviews of his continued confinement during his life sentence, he was denied treatment of his mental health problems, thus making release effectively impossible.

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