European Institutions

  • Dutch Minister Questions Application of EU Budget Rules

    June 16, 2016

    Following European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker's statement that the EU had given France more leeway than other countries in enforcing budget rules "because it is France," Dutch Minister of Finance Jeroen Dijsselbloem expressed concerns before a committee of the European Parliament about the fair application of EU fiscal regulations.

  • ECtHR: Beard Ban Violated Prisoner's Rights

    June 16, 2016

    The European Court of Human Rights has held that a Lithuanian prison's absolute ban on the growing of beards, with the aim of "preventing disorder and crime among prisoners," is a violation of prisoners' right to respect for private life.

  • British Campaign Outlines Post-Brexit Plans

    June 15, 2016

    The UK campaign for leaving the EU has published an outline of its plans following a "Brexit" vote, including an immediate "end to the European Court of Justice's control over national security," a halt to free movement for EU nationals into Britain, and the negotiation of a new trade deal with the bloc by 2020.

  • CoE Report Criticizes Poland for Rule of Law "Erosion"

    June 15, 2016

    A report from Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muižnieks criticizes the Polish government and legal framework for a variety of abuses, including the government's dispute with the constitutional tribunal, surveillance legislation, public media regulation, and failure to introduce "comprehensive sexuality education" and legalize abortion.

  • ECtHR: Polish Detention Measures Violated Man's Rights

    June 15, 2016

    The European Court of Human Rights has held that the Polish authorities' prolonged solitary detention of a man accused of taking part in an international organized criminal group during his trial and placement in a cage in the courtroom during the criminal proceedings violated the man's rights under the European Convention on Human Rights.

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