ECtHR: Gay Marriage Ban Does Not Violate Rights
June 14, 2016
The European Court of Human Rights has held, in the case of the annulment by French authorities of a marriage between two men before the country passed a law permitting gay marriage, that limiting marriage to opposite-sex couples did not violate the European Convention on Human Rights.
French Diplomats Seek Punitive Brexit
June 13, 2016
Politico reports that "senior EU diplomatic sources" are calling for tough trade terms negotiated at a quick pace between a newly independent Britain and the EU in order to discourage other countries from leaving the bloc in case the UK votes to leave the EU in an upcoming referendum.
Academic: Conflict May Estrange Poland from Brussels
June 13, 2016
Norbert Maliszewski of the University of Warsaw writes that, if it pushes on with its rule of law investigation of Poland, the European Commission risks relegating the country to a "European Union B" group where voters feel estranged from EU officials and institutions.
EU Proposes Centralization of Migrant Integration
June 13, 2016
The European Commission has proposed an action plan on the integration of migrants and refugees from outside the EU that sets out a "common policy framework" for EU countries on ensuring that migrants contribute economically and socially to their communities and centralizes the EU "blue card" scheme for attracting educated people to member states.
EU Registers "Citizenship Education" Initiative
June 10, 2016
The European Commission has announced that it has registered a citizens' initiative, the implementation of which must be considered if it receives one million signatures within the next year, on the development of "citizenship education" in curricula throughout Europe "aimed at shaping democratic citizens."