European Institutions

  • European Voting Shifts Right

    June 11, 2024

    As voting for members of the EU Parliament continues to shift right, Vox's Ellen Ioanes considers the effects this may have on European Union policies and, more importantly, the internal politics of individual member states.

  • EU warns Rishi Sunak to not Bypass ECtHR

    April 26, 2023

    European Commission and member state officials have expressed repeated concerns to the U.K. about the Illegal Migration Bill, in particular the pledge to stop small boat crossings of the English Channel, deporting all those entering the U.K. illegally, ignoring the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).

  • EU Proposes New Directive on « Green Claims » Regulation

    April 19, 2023

    The European Commission has proposed a directive on regulating 'Green Claims' laying out rules on the verification of voluntary environmental claims and environmental labels used by traders that market products to EU consumers.

  • Slovakia: Former EU Religious Freedom Envoy Challenges Covid-19 Worship Restrictions

    April 19, 2023

    Jan Nigel, a former European special envoy for Religious Freedom has brought a challenge against his country, Slovakia, for their decision to restrict church attendance until Easter 2021, longer than the other European neighbors.

  • G7 Ministers Urge Implementation of Mandatory Climate Disclosure

    April 19, 2023

    The European Commission has proposed a directive on regulating 'Green Claims' laying out rules on the verification of voluntary environmental claims and environmental labels used by traders that market products to EU consumers.

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