New EU Rules on Removing Terrorist Content Online Enter Into Force
June 09, 2021
In an effort to help counter the spread of extremist ideologies online, new European Union rules on addressing the spreading of terrorist content online entered into force requiring platforms to remove terrorist content referred by member states' authorities within one hour.
European Courts Face a Rising Tide of Climate Litigation
June 09, 2021
As the climate change movement gains traction, both Union level and the Member State level European courts are being faced with an increasing number of climate litigation cases.
Google will Change Advertising Practices as France imposes $268 Million Fine
June 08, 2021
Google has agreed to change its global advertising practices after the French Competition Authority fined Google 220 million euros ($268 million) for abusing its market power in the online advertising industry by sending business to its own services and discriminating against competition.
Europe gives U.S. Ultimatum for Data-Transfer Deal
June 02, 2021
European Commission Vice President Věra Jourová has stated that the United States must pass new legislation to limit how its national security agencies access Europeans' data if Washington and Brussels are to discuss a new deal on transferring people's digital information across the Atlantic.
ECtHR Holds Romania Must Compensate LGBT Group for Homophobic Attack
June 02, 2021
The European Court of Human Rights (EctHR) has ordered Romania to pay compensation due to police failing to protect an LGBT film screening that was stormed by protesters in 2013, citing that Romania failed to uphold the prohibition of discrimination as well the right to freedom of assembly and association.