European Institutions

  • ECJ Mandates Rights-based Limits on Execution of Warrants

    April 07, 2016

    The Court of Justice of the EU ("ECJ") has held that national authorities in the EU must examine whether a suspected or convicted criminal who is the subject of a European arrest warrant ("EAW") might be subject to fundamental rights violations in the country that issued the EAW before these authorities return the subject to the warrant-issuing country.

  • EU Official: Poland Must Implement Tribunal's Decisions

    April 06, 2016

    While he indicated that ongoing progress between Poland's government and constitutional tribunal could preclude further EU monitoring and potential future sanctions, Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans called on the Polish government to end the stand-off between the bodies by implementing the court's rulings regarding changes in the judiciary.

  • Dutch Vote on Ukraine Deal Serves as Referendum on EU

    April 06, 2016

    Politico reports that a referendum the Netherlands is holding today on an EU-Ukraine "association agreement" serves as a strategy for EU opponents to register citizens' discontent with the bloc.

  • EU Seeks Centralized Asylum Powers in Relocation Proposal

    April 06, 2016

    A European Commission proposal for a new resettlement plan that would impose requirements on EU member states to take in refugees first registered in other countries includes new powers for an EU agency to decide asylum requests on behalf of national governments.

  • CoE Produces Internet Governance Strategy

    April 06, 2016

    The Council of Europe ("CoE") Committee of Ministers has adopted an "Internet Governance Strategy for 2016-2019," which pressures countries to protect human rights and the rule of law online in part by addressing concerns on mass surveillance and providing for the development of standards for internet "intermediaries" on freedom of expression.

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