FRA: EU States Have Duty to "Empower" Migrants
May 25, 2016
At a Rule of Law Dialogue organized by the Dutch Presidency of the EU, Director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights Michael O’Flaherty called on EU member states to fulfill their "responsibilities to engage, empower and support migrants" to uphold the rule of law.
Bootle: Brexit Would Shield Britain from Euro Collapse
May 23, 2016
British economist Roger Bootle writes that a British vote to depart the EU would permit the UK to avoid the risk of remaining within the margins of a potential United States of Europe and would partially shield the country from any break-up or collapse of the euro currency.
ECHR Text Forms Basis for Major UK Privacy Ruling
May 20, 2016
The Telegraph explains how the UK Human Rights Act, which implemented the European Convention on Human Rights in British law, has become the first "privacy law" used to suppress news stories on public figures in the country.
EU Commission Threatens Poland with "Rule of Law Opinion"
May 19, 2016
Politico reports that, in its review of the Polish Government's dispute with the country's Constitutional Tribunal, the European Commission has authorized the communication of a confidential "Rule of Law Opinion" to Poland next week unless government authorities make "significant progress" in resolving the situation before that time.
MP Criticizes Omission of "Sovereignty Bill" from UK Agenda
May 19, 2016
UK Member of Parliament Iain Duncan Smith has criticized the British Government for omitting a so-called "Sovereignty Bill," which would assert parliamentary supremacy against certain opinions of the Court of Justice of the EU, from its announced agenda for the current parliamentary term.