European Institutions

  • CoE Body Seeks Reforms in French Local Democracy

    April 04, 2016

    The Council of Europe's ("CoE") Congress of Local and Regional Authorities has adopted a recommendation on French local and regional democracy calling on national authorities in the country to engage in more consultation with local officials on boundary and election issues and to transfer certain powers on taxation to the local level.

  • ECtHR Finds No Infringement in "Violation of Secrecy" Case

    April 04, 2016

    The European Court of Human Rights ("ECtHR") has held that Switzerland complied with the European Convention on Human Rights when the country's courts imposed a criminal fine on a journalist for "violation of secrecy" after he published a news story on a defendant on trial for murder.

  • UK Euroskeptics Warn of EU Free Movement Dangers

    April 04, 2016

    The Telegraph reports that UK campaigners for Britain to vote to leave the EU are drawing attention to a number of instances in which they say EU rules permitting free movement among member states led to the admission into the UK of suspected terrorists and convicted criminals, who in some cases subsequently committed criminal offenses in Britain.

  • ECJ Will Hold Hearing on UK Surveillance Law

    April 01, 2016

    The Guardian reports that the Court of Justice of the EU ("ECJ") has scheduled an emergency hearing in April to determine whether UK legislation requiring that telecommunications companies retain communications data for a maximum period of 12 months violates EU law.

  • Former CIA Director: EU Interferes with National Security Services

    April 01, 2016

    Asserting that the EU "is not a natural contributor to national security" and in some cases even interferes with national security services, former US Central Intelligence Agency ("CIA") Director Michael Hayden has rejected the claim that a British exit from the EU would heighten the exposure of the UK and Europe to security risks.

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