CoE Body Calls for Information "Firewall" for Migrant Rights
May 11, 2016
The Council of Europe's European Commission against Racism and Intolerance has called for countries to establish a "firewall" to prevent the reporting of information on migrants from social services agencies, including medical care and education providers as well as social security and labor protection agencies, to immigration authorities.
Parliaments Force Review of EU Worker Legislation
May 11, 2016
EurActiv reports that at least ten national parliaments in Central and Eastern Europe have filed an objection to the European Commission's proposed revision of the EU Posted Workers Directive that would seek to equalize pay for workers doing the same job in different countries, forcing the Commission to review the proposal.
ECJ Official Finds Authority to Review Extraditions
May 11, 2016
According to The Daily Mail, the Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the EU has opined that the ECJ has the authority to review requests for the extradition of criminal suspects from EU member states to non-EU countries to determine whether the extradition is compatible with the EU Charter for Fundamental Rights.
New EU Rules Facilitate Counterterrorism Action by Europol
May 11, 2016
The European Parliament has approved new rules for Europol that ease the EU law enforcement agency's ability to set up specialized units and coordinate with private companies to counter "religiously inspired terrorism."
EU Report Calls for Integrated Policy on Land Use
May 11, 2016
A report from the European Environment Agency calls for the integration of land-use policies across the EU and pushes the performance of environmental impact assessments before authorities permit projects that impact land.