ECJ Upholds EU Tobacco Restrictions
May 11, 2016
The Court of Justice of the EU has held that the EU had the authority to enact rules set to take effect this month that provide for standardized tobacco packaging, including images of diseased human organs, and restrict the sale of electronic cigarettes across the bloc.
FRA Seeks Role in Rights Processes at National Level
May 11, 2016
The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights has announced consultations with equality bodies, national human rights institutions, and ombudspersons across Europe on their communication with national parliaments in order to evaluate whether the Agency could contribute to and influence any of these processes.
Lewis: EU Is No Substitute for NATO on Security
May 09, 2016
In a recent contribution to the wide-ranging debate in the UK over whether Brexit would harm the UK's national security interests, UK Member of Parliament Julian Lewis writes that the EU is no substitute for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in protecting European countries from foreign incursions.
UK Politicians Seek Immediate Post-Brexit Security Changes
May 09, 2016
UK Secretary of State for Justice Michael Gove has announced that, in the event of a vote for Brexit in June, he and other British politicians will seek immediate reforms of national security legislation to decouple Britain's security apparatus from EU courts and to assert national powers to prevent the entry of and to deport terror and criminal suspects.
Support for EU Referendum Rises Outside UK
May 09, 2016
A new poll of voters from large EU member states other than the UK shows broad support for national referendums on whether to depart from the EU.