European Institutions

  • British Minister: ECJ Could Overturn UK-EU Deal

    February 26, 2016

    UK Secretary of State for Justice Michael Gove has argued that the deal reached by Prime Minister David Cameron and other leaders to reform the relationship of Britain and the EU is not legally binding, as it is subject to the review of the Court of Justice of the EU ("ECJ").

  • UK Minister: Brexit Does Not Entail Ireland Border Checks

    February 26, 2016

    Arguing that a "common travel area" between the UK and Ireland had existed long before the UK's EU membership, UK Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Theresa Villiers has said that the reintroduction of border controls between the UK and Ireland is not "inevitable" if Britain votes to leave the EU.

  • EU Mulls 30-year Climate Strategy

    February 25, 2016

    Bloomberg reports that, according to a draft EU document, officials from the bloc are considering the development of a European strategy on countering global warming beginning in 2020 and ending in the middle of the century.

  • EU Funds Satellite to Monitor Climate Change

    February 25, 2016

    Reuters reports that the European Space Agency ("ESA") has launched a satellite to help predict weather phenomena and observe the effects of global warming, as part of a project to which the ESA and EU have committed funding in the amount of approximately $9 billion through the year 2020.

  • EU Members Sign up for "Healthy Food" Roadmap

    February 25, 2016

    Following a conference hosted by the Dutch President of the EU Council, 22 EU member states have signed on to a "Roadmap for Action" through which they will work with companies in the food industry to promote healthy food and recognize that "cooperation at European level is essential to help consumers make healthy choices."

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