European Institutions

  • EU Package Advances Supranational Energy Governance

    February 24, 2016

    The European Commission has released a proposed "sustainable energy security package" that seeks to advance "Energy Union" in the EU, and fulfill the UN climate deal agreed in December, by centralizing control of the security of energy supplies, monitoring national agreements with countries outside the EU, and pushing the introduction of renewable energy in national systems.

  • FRA Calls for "Proactive" Promotion of EU Rights Charter

    February 24, 2016

    At a seminar organized by the Dutch Presidency of the Council of the EU, the Director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights ("FRA") Michael O'Flaherty asserted that EU member states are legally obligated to promote on a "proactive" basis the rights of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and should use the Charter as an "ethical compass" as they deal with the migrant crisis.

  • Belgium Suspends Schengen Participation

    February 24, 2016

    The Belgian Government has announced that, fearing a massive influx of migrants from a camp across its border with France, it has temporarily suspended its participation in the Schengen Area, which ordinarily permits passport-free travel across EU borders, and will police its border with France to prevent these migrants from entering the country.

  • ECtHR Penalizes Russia for Violations in MRT Region

    February 24, 2016

    Given its finding of reliance by the "Moldavian Republic of Transdniestria" ("MRT"), a "breakaway" region in Moldova, on Russian military and other support, the European Court of Human Rights ("ECtHR") concluded that Russia was responsible for the payment of damages to a former prisoner who complained of human rights violations by the MRT.

  • ECtHR Finds Immigration Law Violates Rights of Same-sex Couples

    February 24, 2016

    The European Court of Human Rights ("ECtHR") has concluded that a Croatian immigration law that excludes same-sex couples from using a family reunification provision to gain entry for a member of the couple into the country discriminated against such a couple in the exercise of its members' right to respect for private and family life.

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