European Institutions

  • ECtHR: Hungary Violated Media Freedom in Website Case

    February 04, 2016

    The European Court of Human Rights ("ECtHR") has ruled that Hungary violated the freedom of expression of a website publisher by holding it responsible for untrue criticism by its readers of a commercial real estate enterprise.

  • ECtHR Finds Child Rights Violation in Custody Proceeding

    February 04, 2016

    The European Court of Human Rights ("ECtHR") has held that the Republic of Georgia violated the "right to respect for private and family life" of three children whom it says did not receive adequate representation in court during a custody dispute between their father and their mother's family.

  • EU Considers Sovereign Debt Limitations for Banks

    February 04, 2016

    As it seeks measures that will aid the eurozone on the path to an official banking union, EU officials are considering imposing limits on the amount of government debt European banks can hold in response to German concerns that such debt entails significant risk to the bloc's financial system.

  • EU Official Proposes New Terms for UK Membership

    February 03, 2016

    European Council President Donald Tusk has proposed new terms for Britain's membership in the EU, including measures intended to increase UK control over migration and to permit it and other members to block unwanted EU legislation, to be negotiated in the coming weeks, prior to a referendum over the UK's membership in the bloc.

  • EU, US Reach Deal on Data Privacy

    February 03, 2016

    The New York Times reports that a deal reached by US and EU authorities on the protection of the privacy of personal data of Europeans, after the Court of Justice of the EU struck down the preceding agreement, includes provisions for written assurances from the US on limitations of access to such data and a US ombudsman who will review alleged cases of data misuse.

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