European Institutions

  • EU Energy Targets Could Lead to Increased Driving Costs

    January 19, 2016

    The Telegraph reports that measures the UK Government is considering to meet its EU-mandated "green energy" targets could lead to increased fuel costs for drivers and to the introduction of bio-fuel that is incompatible with millions of British automobiles.

  • EU Antitrust Probe Ripples Across Film Industry

    January 19, 2016

    Variety reports that an antitrust investigation announced by European Commissioner for competition Margrethe Vestager into exclusive licensing contracts agreed by US film studios and European pay TV operators could have substantial effects on the film industry's business model and profitability in Europe.

  • Commissioner: EU Refugee Resettlement Program "Does Not Work"

    January 15, 2016

    In a recent meeting, European Commissioner for migration Dimitris Avramopoulos acknowledged that the EU's mandatory refugee resettlement program, which was agreed last year but has so far only relocated 272 people, is failing and labeled a massive sexual assault in Cologne, whose witnesses identified at least some assailants as refugees, as a "nail in the coffin."

  • German Court Revisits ECB Bond-buying Cases

    January 15, 2016

    Bloomberg reports that the German Federal Constitutional Court will rehear five lawsuits asserting that the European Central Bank's ("ECB") 2012 bond-buying program is inconsistent with the German Constitution after the Court of Justice of the EU determined that the program was valid under EU law.

  • Grayling: Absent Fundamental Change, UK Must Leave EU

    January 14, 2016

    Writing in support of UK Prime Minister David Cameron's renegotiation with EU leaders over the balance of powers between the British Government and the EU, Leader of the House of Commons Chris Grayling calls for fundamental EU reforms that shield the UK from continued political integration within the bloc.

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