European Institutions

  • Ministers Call for Regulatory Relief from Brussels

    December 03, 2015

    A group of government ministers in countries across the EU has sent a letter to Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans calling for the institution to create targets for the reduction of EU regulation in problem areas and particularly to reduce regulation that burdens European businesses.

  • European Officials Question Future of Schengen

    December 02, 2015

    The New York Times reports that following terrorist attacks in Paris that left 130 people dead, officials in Europe, including French ministers, are contemplating ending the passport-free travel area called the Schengen Zone due to security concerns regarding the external borders of the 26-member bloc.

  • Denmark Holds Vote on EU Justice Measures

    December 02, 2015

    The Telegraph reports that Denmark is holding a referendum in early December on whether to opt-in to a set of EU justice and security measures, including in police cooperation and debt recovery across national borders, from which it currently opts out.

  • ECtHR Upholds French Headscarf Ban in Employment

    December 02, 2015

    The European Court of Human Rights ("ECtHR") has upheld the application of a French rule banning the wearing of a headscarf at work to a Muslim social worker terminated from her employment at a hospital.

  • Talks on Financial Transaction Tax Near Deadline

    December 02, 2015

    A group of EU countries negotiating a tax on financial transactions are nearing a deadline for the conclusion of an agreement imposed by Austria with a number of hurdles to an agreement, such as the scope and calculation of any such tax, remaining.

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