European Institutions

  • Countries Discuss Creation of "Mini-Schengen"

    December 02, 2015

    According to POLITICO, a Dutch newspaper has reported that following the recent Islamic State attacks in Paris, five EU countries - Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg - held "exploratory talks" on the creation of a smaller passport-free travel area to replace the current 26-state Schengen Zone.

  • Juncker Calls for Future Shift to "Two-Speed" EU

    December 02, 2015

    In remarks that also included a call for "common, minimum social rights" in all EU countries, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker has predicted a shift to a "two-speed" EU, in which some countries continue moving toward "ever-closer union" while other countries "position themselves in an orbit different from the core."

  • Hungary Pursues Legal Challenge to EU Migrant Quotas

    December 02, 2015

    Arguing that the quota measure ignores the concept of subsidiarity, the Hungarian Parliament has voted to join Slovakia in pursuing a legal challenge to the adoption by the EU of country-by-country quotas for migrants who have entered the bloc from the Middle East and North Africa.

  • Article: National Referenda Are Obstacles to EU "Progress"

    December 01, 2015

    An article by Stefan Lehne of Carnegie Europe expresses concern that citizens of European countries are blocking European integration through their national referendum processes and calls for greater transparency and democratic participation in EU institutions to blunt these efforts.

  • France Seeks Ramp-up of Intra-EU Travel Security

    December 01, 2015

    The Telegraph reports that in response to the recent terror attacks in Paris, French President François Hollande is seeking to suspend the Schengen Agreement, which allows people to move across borders inside the EU without showing a passport or visa, and to implement a passenger name record that would track passengers traveling in the EU.

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